Friday, September 20, 2019
The Development Of Travel And Tourism Industry Tourism Essay
The Development Of Travel And Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Finally but not least, it discusses the significant impact of technology on the development of travel and tourism industry which is a big influence on the country. So overall all this assignment is informing you of how quality services and technology can develop the tourism industries and also makes work much easier and create a major impact on the country. It also assesses some good points on the community based tourism it tells how it can increase tourist in the country and helps to build up the economy and by creating a good marketing plan, having the right amount of capital, objectives and good support services it can be successful. The importance of delivering quality services in the hospitality industry. The importance of delivering quality services is basically to get a good impact on the industry to increase revenues. In agreement with (The importance of customer service in the hospitality industry, 1999-2012), Hotels, restaurants and other tourism-reliant business are included in the hospitality industry, each organization rely on effective customer service to earn industry accolades, positive media reviews, win repeat guests and increase revenue. So basically the good service you give off will make others come more to increase the revenue and to give the organization an excellent review. Quality services in some hospitality industry are poor and needs improvement but it is our major challenge. However in agreement with (William Lazer Layton, 1999), The hospitality managers if facing the major challenges in quality service delivery. It will be an essential condition for success in the emerging, keenly competitive, global hospitality markets, while the future importance of delivering quality hospitality service is easy to discern and to agree on, doing so presents some difficult and intriguing management issues. It is very important that all hospitality industry provide excellent quality service so it will build up the economy of the organization and country. 2 Differences between service delivery in the hospitality industry and service delivery in other businesses. Service delivery can be differentiated by the type of businesses youre running. Service delivery can be delivered both inside and outside of an organization but it depends on the type because most organization does not have outside service delivery. According to (Service delivery system, 2012), Hospitality and tourism services can be differentiated by the volume of customers processed and on the basis of variety offered. This can vary from a high-volume operation offering a very restricted range of products and services to a lower volume operation where every customer receives a unique or highly customized service. Another key variable in any service operation is the nature of the service contact. High contact has an extra level of social interaction associated with staff, while a low-contact service requires the staff to perform largely technical skills. Each requires a different approach, with a high level of contact requiring sophisticated social skills training, together with a g ood level of product knowledge, whereas a low level of contact requires simpler customer care and technical training. A low-contact service may also be suitable for substitution by information technology or self-service. Service delivery in businesses can be different in some cases. In some businesses the service can be delivered outside of the organization while some cannot. 3 TASK TWO Pros and cons of community based tourism and a discussion on the implications on the country as a whole. The Pros: The community based tourism has some advantages on both the communities and the country. Employment for community Some others are: according to (Williams Haye, 2006), Improved quality of life, Increased employment both directly and indirectly, increased opportunity for social and cultural interchange, increased income and improvement of infrastructure and enhancement of the community. Some other advantages are: according to (Oikos, 2009), It enables tourist to discover local habitats and wildlife, celebrate and respect traditional cultures, rituals and wisdom. The Cons: Some disadvantages of community based tourism are: Less transportations Less support in human resources and connection with marketing channels. Lack awareness of tourist Lack of skills Less capital Lack of recognition 4 Discussion: There are different implications of community based tourism on the country both advantages and disadvantages. Tourism in the country can help build up the economy and the community has a huge impact on the visitors which helps to increase the revenues. According to (Master Plan For Sustainable Tourism Development, 1998), The importance of this interaction is increasing as a result of the greater interesting contact with local people and their culture. Thus, physical assets are, by themselves, not sufficient to deliver a world class visitor experience. The host community must also be pleased to welcome tourists into their communities and take pride in the experience offered. This is why the WTO and other commentators insist that involving the community in the design (planning), development and management of the tourism experience is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of tourism. In Jamaica, the communities have played a role in the development of tourism. According to (Master Plan For Sustainable Tourism Development, 1998), To ensure stronger community involvement in the planning, development and management of tourism in Jamaica, the Master Plan aims to strengthen the community presence on the Resort Boards and co-ordination between the Resort Boards, parish councils and Parish Development Committees (PDCs) established by the Social Development Commission (SDC). Ventures sponsored by or involving the community would be eligible for receiving finance on preferential terms and technical support from a Community Support Unit at TPDCO. 5 The Resort Boards would be made responsible for all aspects of the interface between the visitor and local people, including involving local organizations in the management of anti-harassment and the resort patrols. Community based tourism can uplift the citizens and show them a brighter future. According to (Master Plan For Sustainable Tourism Development, 1998), Tourism has the potential to become a tool for economic and social uplifting of the people of Jamaica. If it can play such a role and that role is brought to the attention of the people of Jamaica, a far greater number would consider them as benefiting from the industry and so, hopefully, would be committed to the delivery of an excellent visitor experience. The Master Plan attempts to enable the tourism industry to play the role of providing the means to social and economic uplifting through a combination of improving the linkages between tourism and other industries, improving the opportunities for local people to sell goods and services to visitors and using tourism to make viable investments in civic facilities. It is planned also to make visible the impact that tourism has on social conditions by publicizing more widely the role i t plays in developing civic facilities and strengthening the JTBs educational programmed in schools. 6 In order for Jamaica to exceed in the increase of tourism they have to improve most of their products which they know most tourists looks forward to buy. In agreement with (Master Plan For Sustainable Tourism Development, 1998), Within the tourism industry, the share of underperforming sub-sectors such as small hotels, guest houses, villas and apartments, food and beverages, leisure and entertainment, sports and transport must be increased. Further afield, the linkages with arts and crafts, agriculture and small businesses generally need to be improved. Improving these linkages with other sectors would help also to increase the role played by tourism as a lead industrial sector in pulling through other sectors of the Jamaican economy and so its effect on economic development generally. Community based tourism would have a good impact on the country because first of all it plays a big role and if the CBT develop a good marketing objectives and strategies to get the information worldwide it will bring tourist to the country and not only the country will get a good review but the community as well and it will benefit from it and not only that but it would make tourist wants to explore and learn more about other places in the country. 7 Discussion on community based tourism is an alternative type of tourism that can be used to diversify the Jamaica Tourism Product and provide Jamaica with a competitive advantage. The main elements of tourism product are: Accommodation, Transportation, attraction and tours, dining and entertainment and support services. So basically the community based tourism can help improve all areas because it plays a minor role in the country. Community based tourism can join partnership with the Jamaica Tourism Product (JTP) and provide them with a variety of different communities with various beautiful attraction to be one of their main product of attraction, which will help them to increase their revenues and bring in more visitors which will be benefited to both. Each group will have to address and see what their weakness is, in both social and physical infrastructure. Jamaica Tourism Product can provide the communities with transportation to and from the accommodation and also give the visitors a tour of each community which can be included in the all inclusive package. Working together can both be a good thing for the country because it will increase the economy by number of visitors that comes into the country and it will also give the country a good name and good reviews. 8 Community Based Tourism and Jamaica Tourism Product can provide Jamaica with a competitive advantage. Basically each group would have a major development in all the areas that tourists love the most and by working well in their areas, finding ways to make each visit more differently and interesting and also by improving, making it better and better throughout each year there will be a increase in economy. Each group competing against each other would be a big impact on Jamaica and everyone will benefit from what they are doing. 9 TASK 3 Some impacts of Technology on the development of travel and tourism industry. Technology has a lot of impact on travel and tourism industry. It helps to make work a lot easier and much faster. According to (Youell, 2012), Developments in technology in jet aircraft and computer technology have contributed to the growth in domestic and international travel and tourism. Technological factors travel and tourism has always been an industry that has made extensive use of new technology equipment. Central reservation system (CRS), the use of computers in travel agencies and sophisticated databases for marketing purposes are now ordinary. Increase in competition within the industry will force organizations to use new technology to the full. New developments in transportation make extensive use of new technology, for example the Channel Tunnel, the advances in aircraft design and opening up new long-haul destinations. Technology has made it possible for people to accomplish multiple tasks within a time period and it has also brought advancement in many economic and business sectors which include travel and tourism industry. 10 Technology in the travel and tourism industry makes things more advanced, professional, less work and makes things run much faster. According to (The impact of technology on tourism, 2012), The tourism industry is one of the most relevant examples in the context of a changing global environment. The pace of this change has most likely been set by the rapid technological advancements. Some of these new technologies have been integrated in tourism operations. The most eloquent example in this sense is the emergence of the internet, which led to reduced costs and increased operational efficiency within the tourism agencies and airports. Aside the internet, other major technologies that supported the continuous growth of the tourism industry are those implemented by transportation, which became safer, quicker and more pleasing. Finally, the technological implementations within tourism operations have led to modifications in working habits and have also generated an increased demand for l abor force, implying as such that educational institutions place more emphasis on teaching tourism. So basically technology has a serious impact on travel and tourism it makes every aspect of completing daily task a lot easier and it also helps to develop the country. Without technology things would be slower and visitors wouldnt be able to book online if wanting to visit other country and that would be more work for hotel employees and it wouldnt make us citizens be aware of what is going on in the country. So having technology in both travel and tourism is major impact without it maybe we would have to get things done in a slower pace. 11 CONCLUSION I have concluded that good quality service in both the hospitality and other business industries have a positive impact on the country. A first impression determines how a guest will enjoy their stay and must always treat visitors like how we would want to be treated. Good quality service will keep customers and tourists coming back and it will also leave an excellent review of the business which will make others want to come to the country or firm. Service delivery in hospitality industry and other businesses are different in some extend for example in the hospitality industry some of their services can only be delivered within the organization while for some others their services can be delivered outside of the firm/organization. I also concluded that community based tourism plays a major role in a country and both can benefit from it. It also uplift the residents in the communities by earning income as land managers, entrepreneurs, service and produce providers, and employees. Technology is a major impact in the travel and tourism industry it makes work much easier and faster. It creates less confusion and helps to develop the industry in a more professional way. 12
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