Monday, September 30, 2019

The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 38. Power

â€Å"Chelsea is trying to break our bindings,† Edward whispered. â€Å"But she can't find them. She can't feel us here. . . .† His eyes cut to me. â€Å"Are you doing that?† I smiled grimly at him. â€Å"I am all over this.† Edward lurched away from me suddenly, his hand reaching out toward Carlisle. At the same time, I felt a much sharper jab against the shield where it wrapped protectively around Carlisle's light. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't pleasant, either. â€Å"Carlisle? Are you all right?† Edward gasped frantically. â€Å"Yes. Why?† â€Å"Jane,† Edward answered. The moment that he said her name, a dozen pointed attacks hit in a second, stabbing all over the elastic shield, aimed at twelve different bright spots. I flexed, making sure the shield was undamaged. It didn't seem like Jane had been able to pierce it. I glanced around quickly; everyone was fine. â€Å"Incredible,† Edward said. â€Å"Why aren't they waiting for the decision?† Tanya hissed. â€Å"Normal procedure,† Edward answered brusquely. â€Å"They usually incapacitate those on trial so they can't escape.† I looked across at Jane, who was staring at our group with furious disbelief. I was pretty sure that, besides me, she'd never seen anyone remain standing through her fiery assault. It probably wasn't very mature. But I figured it would take Aro about half a second to guess – if he hadn't already – that my shield was more powerful than Edward had known; I already had a big target on my forehead and there was really no point in trying to keep the extent of what I could do a secret. So I grinned a huge, smug smile right at Jane. Her eyes narrowed, and I felt another stab of pressure, this time directed at me. I pulled my lips wider, showing my teeth. Jane let out a high-pitched scream of a snarl. Everyone jumped, even the disciplined guard. Everyone but the ancients, who didn't so much as look up from their conference. Her twin caught her arm as she crouched to spring. The Romanians started chuckling with dark anticipation. â€Å"I told you this was our time,† Vladimir said to Stefan. â€Å"Just look at the witch's face,† Stefan chortled. Alec patted his sister's shoulder soothingly, then tucked her under his arm. He turned his face to us, perfectly smooth, completely angelic. I waited for some pressure, some sign of his attack, but I felt nothing. He continued to stare in our direction, his pretty face composed. Was he attacking? Was he getting through my shield? Was I the only one who could still see him? I clutched at Edward's hand. â€Å"Are you okay?† I choked out. â€Å"Yes,† he whispered. â€Å"Is Alec trying?† Edward nodded. â€Å"His gift is slower than Jane's. It creeps. It will touch us in a few seconds.† I saw it then, when I had a clue of what to look for. A strange clear haze was oozing across the snow, nearly invisible against the white. It reminded me of a mirage – a slight warping of the view, a hint of a shimmer. I pushed my shield out from Carlisle and the rest of the front line, afraid to have the slinking mist too close when it hit. What if it stole right through my intangible protection? Should we run? A low rumbling murmured through the ground under our feet, and a gust of wind blew the snow into sudden flurries between our position and the Volturi's. Benjamin had seen the creeping threat, too, and now he tried to blow the mist away from us. The snow made it easy to see where he threw the wind, but the mist didn't react in any way. It was like air blowing harmlessly through a shadow; the shadow was immune. The triangular formation of the ancients finally broke apart when, with a racking groan, a deep, narrow fissure opened in a long zigzag across the middle of the clearing. The earth rocked under my feet for a moment. The drifts of snow plummeted into the hole, but the mist skipped right across it, as untouched by gravity as it had been by wind. Aro and Caius watched the opening earth with wide eyes. Marcus looked in the same direction without emotion. They didn't speak; they waited, too, as the mist approached us. The wind shrieked louder but didn't change the course of the mist. Jane was smiling now. And then the mist hit a wall. I could taste it as soon as it touched my shield – it had a dense, sweet, cloying flavor. It made me remember dimly the numbness of Novocain on my tongue. The mist curled upward, seeking a breach, a weakness. It found none. The fingers of searching haze twisted upward and around, trying to find a way in, and in the process illustrating the astonishing size of the protective screen. There were gasps on both sides of Benjamin's gorge. â€Å"Well done, Bella!† Benjamin cheered in a low voice. My smile returned. I could see Alec's narrowed eyes, doubt on his face for the first time as his mist swirled harmlessly around the edges of my shield. And then I knew that I could do this. Obviously, I would be the number-one priority, the first one to die, but as long as I held, we were on more than equal footing with the Volturi. We still had Benjamin and Zafrina; they had no supernatural help at all. As long as I held. â€Å"I'm going to have to concentrate,† I whispered to Edward. â€Å"When it comes to hand to hand, it's going to be harder to keep the shield around the right people.† â€Å"I'll keep them off you.† â€Å"No. You have to get to Demetri. Zafrina will keep them away from me.† Zafrina nodded solemnly. â€Å"No one will touch this young one,† she promised Edward. â€Å"I'd go after Jane and Alec myself, but I can do more good here.† â€Å"Jane's mine,† Kate hissed. â€Å"She needs a taste of her own medicine.† â€Å"And Alec owes me many lives, but I will settle for his,† Vladimir growled from the other side. â€Å"He's mine.† â€Å"I just want Caius,† Tanya said evenly. The others started divvying up opponents, too, but they were quickly interrupted. Aro, staring calmly at Alec's ineffective mist, finally spoke. â€Å"Before we vote,† he began. I shook my head angrily. I was tired of this charade. The bloodlust was igniting in me again, and I was sorry that I would help the others more by standing still. I wanted to fight. â€Å"Let me remind you,† Aro continued, â€Å"whatever the council's decision, there need be no violence here.† Edward snarled out a dark laugh. Aro stared at him sadly. â€Å"It will be a regrettable waste to our kind to lose any of you. But you especially, young Edward, and your newborn mate. The Volturi would be glad to welcome many of you into our ranks. Bella, Benjamin, Zafrina, Kate. There are many choices before you. Consider them.† Chelsea's attempt to sway us fluttered impotently against my shield. Aro's gaze swept across our hard eyes, looking for any indication of hesitation. From his expression, he found none. I knew he was desperate to keep Edward and me, to imprison us the way he had hoped to enslave Alice. But this fight was too big. He would not win if I lived. I was fiercely glad to be so powerful that I left him no way not to kill me. â€Å"Let us vote, then,† he said with apparent reluctance. Caius spoke with eager haste. â€Å"The child is an unknown quantity. There is no reason to allow such a risk to exist. It must be destroyed, along with all who protect it.† He smiled in expectation. I fought back a shriek of defiance to answer his cruel smirk. Marcus lifted his uncaring eyes, seeming to look through us as he voted. â€Å"I see no immediate danger. The child is safe enough for now. We can always reevaluate later. Let us leave in peace.† His voice was even fainter than his brothers' feathery sighs. None of the guard relaxed their ready positions at his disagreeing words. Caius's anticipatory grin did not falter. It was as if Marcus hadn't spoken at all. â€Å"I must make the deciding vote, it seems,† Aro mused. Suddenly, Edward stiffened at my side. â€Å"Yes!† he hissed. I risked a glance at him. His face glowed with an expression of triumph that I didn't understand – it was the expression an angel of destruction might wear while the world burned. Beautiful and terrifying. There was a low reaction from the guard, an uneasy murmur. â€Å"Aro?† Edward called, nearly shouted, undisguised victory in his voice. Aro hesitated for a second, assessing this new mood warily before he answered. â€Å"Yes, Edward? You have something further†¦ ?† â€Å"Perhaps,† Edward said pleasantly, controlling his unexplained excitement. â€Å"First, if I could clarify one point?† â€Å"Certainly,† Aro said, raising his eyebrows, nothing now but polite interest in his tone. My teeth ground together; Aro was never more dangerous than when he was gracious. â€Å"The danger you foresee from my daughter – this stems entirely from our inability to guess how she will develop? That is the crux of the matter?† â€Å"Yes, friend Edward,† Aro agreed. â€Å"If we could but be positive†¦ be sure that, as she grows, she will be able to stay concealed from the human world – not endanger the safety of our obscurity . . .† He trailed off, shrugging. â€Å"So, if we could only know for sure,† Edward suggested, â€Å"exactly what she will become†¦ then there would be no need for a council at all?† â€Å"If there was some way to be absolutely sure,† Aro agreed, his feathery voice slightly more shrill. He couldn't see where Edward was leading him. Neither could I. â€Å"Then, yes, there would be no question to debate.† â€Å"And we would part in peace, good friends once again?† Edward asked with a hint of irony. Even more shrill. â€Å"Of course, my young friend. Nothing would please me more.† Edward chuckled exultantly. â€Å"Then I do have something more to offer.† Aro's eyes narrowed. â€Å"She is absolutely unique. Her future can only be guessed at.† â€Å"Not absolutely unique,† Edward disagreed. â€Å"Rare, certainly, but not one of a kind.† I fought the shock, the sudden hope springing to life, as it threatened to distract me. The sickly-looking mist still swirled around the edges of my shield. And, as I struggled to focus, I felt again the sharp, stabbing pressure against my protective hold. â€Å"Aro, would you ask Jane to stop attacking my wife?† Edward asked courteously. â€Å"We are still discussing evidence.† Aro raised one hand. â€Å"Peace, dear ones. Let us hear him out.† The pressure disappeared. Jane bared her teeth at me; I couldn't help grinning back at her. â€Å"Why don't you join us, Alice?† Edward called loudly. â€Å"Alice,† Esme whispered in shock. Alice! Alice, Alice, Alice! â€Å"Alice!† â€Å"Alice!† other voices murmured around me. â€Å"Alice,† Aro breathed. Relief and violent joy surged through me. It took all my will to keep the shield where it was. Alec's mist still tested, seeking a weakness – Jane would see if I left any holes. And then I heard them running through the forest, flying, closing the distance as quickly as they could with no slowing effort at silence. Both sides were motionless in expectation. The Volturi witnesses scowled in fresh confusion. Then Alice danced into the clearing from the southwest, and I felt like the bliss of seeing her face again might knock me off my feet. Jasper was only inches behind her, his sharp eyes fierce. Close after them ran three strangers; the first was a tall, muscular female with wild dark hair – obviously Kachiri. She had the same elongated limbs and features as the other Amazons, even more pronounced in her case. The next was a small olive-toned female vampire with a long braid of black hair bobbing against her back. Her deep burgundy eyes flitted nervously around the confrontation before her. And the last was a young man†¦ not quite as fast nor quite as fluid in his run. His skin was an impossible rich, dark brown. His wary eyes flashed across the gathering, and they were the color of warm teak. His hair was black and braided, too, like the woman's, though not as long. He was beautiful. As he neared us, a new sound sent shock waves through the watching crowd – the sound of another heartbeat, accelerated with exertion. Alice leaped lightly over the edges of the dissipating mist that lapped at my shield and came to a sinuous stop at Edward's side. I reached out to touch her arm, and so did Edward, Esme, Carlisle. There wasn't time for any other welcome. Jasper and the others followed her through the shield. All the guard watched, speculation in their eyes, as the latecomers crossed the invisible border without difficulty. The brawny ones, Felix and the others like him, focused their suddenly hopeful eyes on me. They had not been sure of what my shield repelled, but it was clear now that it would not stop a physical attack. As soon as Aro gave the order, the blitz would ensue, me the only object. I wondered how many Zafrina would be able to blind, and how much that would slow them. Long enough for Kate and Vladimir to take Jane and Alec out of the equation? That was all I could ask for. Edward, despite his absorption in the coup he was directing, stiffened furiously in response to their thoughts. He controlled himself and spoke to Aro again. â€Å"Alice has been searching for her own witnesses these last weeks,† he said to the ancient. â€Å"And she does not come back empty-handed. Alice, why don't you introduce the witnesses you've brought?† Caius snarled. â€Å"The time for witnesses is past! Cast your vote, Aro!† Aro raised one finger to silence his brother, his eyes glued to Alice's face. Alice stepped forward lightly and introduced the strangers. â€Å"This is Huilen and her nephew, Nahuel.† Hearing her voice†¦ it was like she'd never left. Caius's eyes tightened as Alice named the relationship between the newcomers. The Volturi witnesses hissed amongst themselves. The vampire world was changing, and everyone could feel it. â€Å"Speak, Huilen,† Aro commanded. â€Å"Give us the witness you were brought to bear.† The slight woman looked to Alice nervously. Alice nodded in encouragement, and Kachiri put her long hand on the little vampire's shoulder. â€Å"I am Huilen,† the woman announced in clear but strangely accented English. As she continued, it was apparent she had prepared herself to tell this story, that she had practiced. It flowed like a well-known nursery rhyme. â€Å"A century and a half ago, I lived with my people, the Mapuche. My sister was Pire. Our parents named her after the snow on the mountains because of her fair skin. And she was very beautiful – too beautiful. She came to me one day in secret and told me of the angel that found her in the woods, that visited her by night. I warned her.† Huilen shook her head mournfully. â€Å"As if the bruises on her skin were not warning enough. I knew it was the Libishomen of our legends, but she would not listen. She was bewitched. â€Å"She told me when she was sure her dark angel's child was growing inside her. I didn't try to discourage her from her plan to run away – I knew even our father and mother would agree that the child must be destroyed, Pire with it. I went with her into the deepest parts of the forest. She searched for her demon angel but found nothing. I cared for her, hunted for her when her strength failed. She ate the animals raw, drinking their blood. I needed no more confirmation of what she carried in her womb. I hoped to save her life before I killed the monster. â€Å"But she loved the child inside her. She called him Nahuel, after the jungle cat, when he grew strong and broke her bones – and loved him still. â€Å"I could not save her. The child ripped his way free of her, and she died quickly, begging all the while that I would care for her Nahuel. Her dying wish – and I agreed. â€Å"He bit me, though, when I tried to lift him from her body. I crawled away into the jungle to die. I didn't get far – the pain was too much. But he found me; the newborn child struggled through the underbrush to my side and waited for me. When the pain ended, he was curled against my side, sleeping. â€Å"I cared for him until he was able to hunt for himself. We hunted the villages around our forest, staying to ourselves. We have never come so far from our home, but Nahuel wished to see the child here.† Huilen bowed her head when she was finished and moved back so she was partially hidden behind Kachiri. Aro's lips were pursed. He stared at the dark-skinned youth. â€Å"Nahuel, you are one hundred and fifty years old?† he questioned. â€Å"Give or take a decade,† he answered in a clear, beautifully warm voice. His accent was barely noticeable. â€Å"We don't keep track.† â€Å"And you reached maturity at what age?† â€Å"About seven years after my birth, more or less, I was full grown.† â€Å"You have not changed since then?† Nahuel shrugged. â€Å"Not that I've noticed.† I felt a shudder tremble through Jacob's body. I didn't want to think about this yet. I would wait till the danger was past and I could concentrate. â€Å"And your diet?† Aro pressed, seeming interested in spite of himself. â€Å"Mostly blood, but some human food, too. I can survive on either.† â€Å"You were able to create an immortal?† As Aro gestured to Huilen, his voice was abruptly intense. I refocused on my shield; perhaps he was seeking a new excuse. â€Å"Yes, but none of the rest can.† A shocked murmur ran through all three groups. Aro's eyebrows shot up. â€Å"The rest?† â€Å"My sisters.† Nahuel shrugged again. Aro stared wildly for a moment before composing his face. â€Å"Perhaps you would tell us the rest of your story, for there seems to be more.† Nahuel frowned. â€Å"My father came looking for me a few years after my mother's death.† His handsome face distorted slightly. â€Å"He was pleased to find me.† Nahuel's tone suggested the feeling was not mutual. â€Å"He had two daughters, but no sons. He expected me to join him, as my sisters had. â€Å"He was surprised I was not alone. My sisters are not venomous, but whether that's due to gender or a random chance†¦ who knows? I already had my family with Huilen, and I was not interested† – he twisted the word – â€Å"in making a change. I see him from time to time. I have a new sister; she reached maturity about ten years back.† â€Å"Your father's name?† Caius asked through gritted teeth. â€Å"Joham,† Nahuel answered. â€Å"He considers himself a scientist. He thinks he's creating a new super-race.† He made no attempt to disguise the disgust in his tone. Caius looked at me. â€Å"Your daughter, is she venomous?† he demanded harshly. â€Å"No,† I responded. Nahuel's head snapped up at Aro's question, and his teak eyes turned to bore into my face. Caius looked to Aro for confirmation, but Aro was absorbed in his own thoughts. He pursed his lips and stared at Carlisle, and then Edward, and at last his eyes rested on me. Caius growled. â€Å"We take care of the aberration here, and then follow it south,† he urged Aro. Aro stared into my eyes for a long, tense moment. I had no idea what he was searching for, or what he found, but after he had measured me for that moment, something in his face changed, a faint shift in the set of his mouth and eyes, and I knew that Aro had made his decision. â€Å"Brother,† he said softly to Caius. â€Å"There appears to be no danger. This is an unusual development, but I see no threat. These half-vampire children are much like us, it appears.† â€Å"Is that your vote?† Caius demanded. â€Å"It is.† Caius scowled. â€Å"And this Joham? This immortal so fond of experimentation?† â€Å"Perhaps we should speak with him,† Aro agreed. â€Å"Stop Joham if you will,† Nahuel said flatly. â€Å"But leave my sisters be. They are innocent.† Aro nodded, his expression solemn. And then he turned back to his guard with a warm smile. â€Å"Dear ones,† he called. â€Å"We do not fight today.† The guard nodded in unison and straightened out of their ready positions. The mist dissipated swiftly, but I held my shield in place. Maybe this was another trick. I analyzed their expressions as Aro turned back to us. His face was as benign as ever, but unlike before, I sensed a strange blankness behind the fa?ade. As if his scheming was over. Caius was clearly incensed, but his rage was turned inward now; he was resigned. Marcus looked†¦ bored; there really was no other word for it. The guard was impassive and disciplined again; there were no individuals among them, just the whole. They were in formation, ready to depart. The Volturi witnesses were still wary; one after another, they departed, scattering into the woods. As their numbers dwindled, the remaining sped up. Soon they were all gone. Aro held his hands out to us, almost apologetic. Behind him, the larger part of the guard, along with Caius, Marcus, and the silent, mysterious wives, were already drifting quickly away, their formation precise once again. Only the three that seemed to be his personal guardians lingered with him. â€Å"I'm so glad this could be resolved without violence,† he said sweetly. â€Å"My friend, Carlisle – how pleased I am to call you friend again! I hope there are no hard feelings. I know you understand the strict burden that our duty places on our shoulders.† â€Å"Leave in peace, Aro,† Carlisle said stiffly. â€Å"Please remember that we still have our anonymity to protect here, and keep your guard from hunting in this region.† â€Å"Of course, Carlisle,† Aro assured him. â€Å"I am sorry to earn your disapproval, my dear friend. Perhaps, in time, you will forgive me.† â€Å"Perhaps, in time, if you prove a friend to us again.† Aro bowed his head, the picture of remorse, and drifted backward for a moment before he turned around. We watched in silence as the last four Volturi disappeared into the trees. It was very quiet. I did not drop my shield. â€Å"Is it really over?† I whispered to Edward. His smile was huge. â€Å"Yes. They've given up. Like all bullies, they're cowards underneath the swagger.† He chuckled. Alice laughed with him. â€Å"Seriously, people. They're not coming back. Everybody can relax now.† There was another beat of silence. â€Å"Of all the rotten luck,† Stefan muttered. And then it hit. Cheers erupted. Deafening howls filled the clearing. Maggie pounded Siobhan on the back. Rosalie and Emmett kissed again – longer and more ardently than before. Benjamin and Tia were locked in each other's arms, as were Carmen and Eleazar. Esme held Alice and Jasper in a tight embrace. Carlisle was warmly thanking the South American newcomers who had saved us all. Kachiri stood very close to Zafrina and Senna, their fingertips interlocked. Garrett picked Kate up off the ground and swung her around in a circle. Stefan spit on the snow. Vladimir ground his teeth together with a sour expression. And I half-climbed the giant russet wolf to rip my daughter off his back and then crushed her to my chest. Edward's arms were around us in the same second. â€Å"Nessie, Nessie, Nessie,† I crooned. Jacob laughed his big, barky laugh and poked the back of my head with his nose. â€Å"Shut up,† I mumbled. â€Å"I get to stay with you?† Nessie demanded. â€Å"Forever,† I promised her. We had forever. And Nessie was going to be fine and healthy and strong. Like the halfhuman Nahuel, in a hundred and fifty years she would still be young. And we would all be together. Happiness expanded like an explosion inside me – so extreme, so violent that I wasn't sure I'd survive it. â€Å"Forever,† Edward echoed in my ear. I couldn't speak anymore. I lifted my head and kissed him with a passion that might possibly set the forest on fire. I wouldn't have noticed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Combat High Essay

In the essay â€Å"Combat High†, written by Sebastian Junger, shows how war can be both rewarding and exciting, but also how the war can be very costly at the same time. Many people look down upon war, but Junger does a very good job showing both the pros and cons about war. One of the ways Junger describes the war as rewarding is when he says that combat is â€Å"The only game in town.† meaning that this is what soldiers live for. Since war is a life or death situation, the soldiers take it very seriously. This explains why the soldiers were cheering when the man on the hill stopped moving. They weren’t necessarily cheering because the man died, but like Junger said, â€Å"People think we are cheering because we shot someone, but we were cheering because we just stopped someone from killing us.† Just imagine if you had people shooting at you constantly. I’m sure you would be feeling a little relieved knowing that the guy on the hill wont have a cha nce to shoot at you again. Another way, in which Junger displays the war as rewarding, is the relationships the soldiers build with each other. They build such meaningful relationships that Junger explains the relationships as romance, but not all relationships sexual. Junger also describes the war as exciting. Not all people would think war is exciting, but to the soldiers, it is a different story. Like Junger says, â€Å"†¦ war is life multiplied by some number that no one has ever heard of.† Although war may be rewarding and exciting, but it also can be extremely costly. When the soldiers end up going home, they often have mental problems. Junger explains why when he says, â€Å"†¦ they’re normal young men with normal emotional needs that have to be met within the very narrow options available on that hilltop.† After reading â€Å"Combat High†, I had many different thoughts going through my mind about war. I understand where Junger is coming from as he gives examples of how war is exciting and rewarding, but I don’t necessarily think the same way as him. Not saying that he is wrong by any means. An example of this is the part when all the soldiers start cheering when the guy dies. To me that seems wrong. I understand they are cheering because now that guy can’t kill them, but to me that is just morally wrong to cheer after someone has suffered that bad.  Maybe that’s why I wouldn’t be a good fit to be in the army. I don’t think I could ever be the same if I saw some of the things these so ldiers have to see. The soldiers have to be emotionally strong. They build such good relationships with each other that it would be really hard to see someone who is basically family to you just get shot right in front of you. After reading this story, I give anyone who has been in war great deal of sympathy and props for them doing the things they had to encounter. I never really thought about all the hardships soldiers end up going through during war, until reading â€Å"Combat High†.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

History J3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History J3 - Essay Example uiano gives a vivid description of the Middle Passage which demonstrates the terror of the prisoners, the abject conditions on board and the attitude of the slavers to their cargo. The captured African slaves are absolutely terrified on their passage. The main reason for this fear is the ignorance of the Africans, as this is their first encounter with Europeans. Equiano’s horror is â€Å"heightened by my ignorance of what I was to undergo† (Equiano, 1789).The fair complexion, long hair and alien language of the white men makes Equiano believe that they are â€Å"bad spirits, and that they were going to kill me† (Equiano, 1789). The large copper furnace and the dejected, fettered prisoners reinforce his fear of being sacrificed. Another factor which contributes to Equiano’s fear is the water: â€Å"not being used to the water, I naturally feared that element the first time I saw it† (Equiano, 1789). Most of the captured slaves are from interior Africa and have never seen the sea. The ship and its navigation seem magical to the Africans. The conditions on board the slave ship are extremely miserable. The slaves are confined to the unventilated hold, where they are chained and packed tightly together. The initial cargo of slaves is supplemented by the additional slaves taken on at sea. This makes the hold â€Å"so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself† (Equiano, 1789). Equiano paints â€Å"a scene of horror almost inconceivable†: the heat, the toxic miasma of perspiration, the suffocating atmosphere, the increasing irritation of the chains, the groans of the dying, the shrieks of the women, the stench of humanity and the tubs of human excreta â€Å"into which the children often fell, and were almost suffocated†   (Equiano, 1789). The stink of the holds is beyond tolerance.The pestilential air makes the slaves ill and even causes fatalities. The rations are insufficient to satisfy the slaves’ appetite. It is a mark of the slavers’ spite that they

Friday, September 27, 2019

Essay on project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On project - Essay Example The skit demonstrates the role of the group leader in setting the mood and maintaining professionalism in the entire process. The narrator has a role to inform the audience of what they expect in the debate. My role is to organise the debate and the debate members in a manner to enhance cohesion and collaboration. I have to remind all the members of the meeting, venue, and the time. If need be for adjusting on the time or the venue, it is my work to inform all the participants. In addition, it is the work of the narrator to see to it that each participant has a chance to contribute available ideas according to the available time. Another task is to maintain the mood of the house by requesting participants to give applause to acknowledge a good point, control the extent of the laughter, and make sure that the mood remains professional. One of the challenges faced by the group is maintaining a professional mood. The fact that students are working by themselves gives them the freedom to express themselves and if not controlled it may fail to yield the expected results. For instance, some ideas are captivating enough to make students laugh. On their own, students will want to enjoy themselves by adding to ideas that will make them laugh the more. The leader will have to make sure that the group does not deviate from it’s main purpose. Working in teams has various uses to the student outside the subject. In the course of the group project, students have a chance to express their ideas and influence the decisions made by the entire group. This is unlike in class where students who rarely talk in class have a chance to build their self-esteem by contributing in a smaller group. Students in groups have a chance to take up leadership positions to make sure that their group members observe time, remind them to come for the meeting, and make sure that laid out plan for the project is in place and that the group is

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ebola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ebola - Essay Example Such an observation allows the authors to focus on the magnitude of risks associated with the eventual adoption of the measures that may be suggested to mitigate the possibilities of an outbreak in the region. The authors proceed to further mention of the cases that have been diagnosed within the American soil. The preparedness of the city is further weighed against that of regions such as texas, which have already registered possible outbreaks of the disease. The authors are keen to outline that the prospective address of the disease from findings its way to the communities in New York remains best considered under the description of collective efforts. In an effort that remains related towards the harmonization of the medical facilities in the city, the authors seek to consolidate the respective outfits of healthcare that are related to the city and harmonize them towards developing a steady outfit that aims at addressing the virus. In that effect, the authors propose the possible avenues upon which the detection and subsequent control of an outbreak may be considered. Their work does not place into consideration the possible effects that may be related to animals vectors. The focus is oriented on the human patients that traffic into New York from the various infected areas. Such allows for the description of their proposals as being narrowed on the control of human to human transmissions. Additionally, the prospective process of EVD detection has been mentioned intensely in their work. It is further argued that the adoption of a functional detection systems remains the ideal path upon which the address of the ailment is considered. The authors proceed to make references to experiences registered in the address of the disease in other regions. Their attention is oriented on the plight of eighty-eight patients that were being screened of the disease, with the aim of gathering the required experience

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Representation and Stereotype of Women in Video Games Dissertation

Representation and Stereotype of Women in Video Games - Dissertation Example The portrayal of the woman in video games has always been a controversial topic. It is controversial because it reflects the negative sides of the woman. It is the major claim of those who protest against the stereotype of women that in video games women are presented in an unrealistic and exaggerated manner. The video games mostly contain the violence and sex together. The women are generally represented as a hyper-sexual character. The content of the dissertation thus shows that the girls as well as women are based on gender-stereotyped. Hence, it is quite common to see a woman with a typical figure and complexion and in a tight outfit. Keywords: videogames, women, portrayal, unrealistic hypersexual Executive Summary: This paper is based on the stereotype presentation of the women in video games. Women’s image in all types of media has always been just a sex symbol. Whatever the media would be, such as television, advertisements or any type of magazines and newspaper, the wo men cannot come out of the typical periphery which is drawn for them by the male dominated society. In media they are sometimes shown in a very humiliating manner. This research has discussed thoroughly on the same issue. The research paper is divided into four different chapters. First chapter is associated with problems and its setting. The researcher decided this kind of subject out of the concern of the portrayal of women in video games and their impact on the society, especially the adolescent young boys around whom the entire video industry is revolving. The women in video games are far from reality from all points of view such as their physical appearance and the role they played in the game. In the first chapter the introduction about the topic is given. Then the researcher has designed the problem related questions for discussion. There are five research questions to be discussed. The researcher then discusses about the significance of the problem and significance of his re search. The researcher here has discussed about the usefulness of his research in finding out the problem. In the next section the researcher deals with the significance of the study. For any research to be reached to its conclusion the hypotheses are necessary to form so that it can give a proper direction for the research. Here the researcher has taken the hypothesis that still the image of women in video games is stereotype and it has not changed. The women are shown either as a sex symbol or a passive and distressed object. After that the researcher discusses the scope of the study. There are many new concepts in the research paper so it is necessary to mention the definition of the terms used in the research paper. Here the researcher has given the definitions of various terms used in the research paper. The second chapter deals with the literature review. For the research it is very necessary to find out the related documents or any existing theory which can support the ideas of the researcher. The references have been collected from various sources such as books written on this same topic. Apart from that some previous research papers, articles, blogs, websites etc are also referred. The researcher has given thorough information about the collection and information which has been collected by the above mentioned sources. In the third chapter, the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tourism in Gig Harbor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tourism in Gig Harbor - Essay Example These events aim at increasing economic activities at the Gig Harbor through overnight lodges, meals provision, sale of souvenirs and gifts and building tourist sites and facilities. I chose this RFP because Gig Harbor has maintained its tourist sites and developed strategies that successfully increased and maintained growth of tourism in Washington State. For example, it offers various activities that suit a diversity of people such as children, families and groups (Garrett, 2010). The strategies that I will use to build trust with my clients will include knowing the client’s expectations. Asking the client about their expectations will enable me to satisfy them and hence, retain the client for current and future business. Fulfilling promises is another strategy that determines one’s ability to gain and retain trust with clients. Develop credibility by maintaining professionalism and deliver on all the made promises (Garrett, 2010). Open communication is a key strategy in developing trust. Discuss all the details with the client and disclose all terms of the contract. Disclose good and bad communication and allow an open discussion with the client. Offering the best solution is a great strategy to gain trust. Listening to clients’ needs and offering them a working solution shows that you care for their needs. Energizing the clients by asking good questions and then listening as they give answers is a strategy that builds trust (Claycomb & Martin, 2002). Active listening shows the clients that you care about them. Look at things from the client’s perspective is another strategy that will enhance trust as it shows your empathy and willingness to help clients’ obtain the best solutions for their needs I will use several tactics to manage client expectations. First, communicating regularly and addressing client’s needs directly. Regular communication will build a strong relationship that will overcome all the setbacks and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Communication Skill Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Communication Skill Assessment - Assignment Example Additionally, I have received complaints and opinions from friends and coworkers about the deficiency of proper communication skills. For example, I seem confused when communicating with the seniors or express discomfort when talking in a group discussion (Duffy et al.,  2004). Through the assessment, I have noticed a significant gap in my communication abilities particularly in public. I have a serious problem in communicating to an extent that I prefer the use of email and text messages to verbal communication. Specifically, I hate face-to-face contact because I lack the required confidence to face individuals regardless of their status or gender (Krizan,  Jones, & Merrier,  2002). When speaking, lecturing or expressing an opinion in a public gathering, I find myself lost in words, confused and disorganized such that I fail to pass my message. However, this does not mean that I do not have the required content, but rather that I lack an essential skill to enhance my communication. The reliance on non-verbal communication has adversely affected my skills. I frequently use email and text to communicate with workmates within the office. Consequently, this has affected my relationships and further incapacitated my delivery of essential messages when called upon to present relevant company analysis (Krizan,  Jones, & Merrier,  2002; Baack, 2012). The dependence on technologically enhanced communication such as text messaging and emailing has impaired my communication, creating a significant gap between my working and social life. In short, my consistent use of technology enhanced communication models has resulted in a visible communication gap that reflects in my productivity and social life. The prevalence of the problem is so adverse that there is a need to find an immediate solution. Specifically, this is because I have to be a better speaker as I am constantly required to provide the financial status of the organization (Krizan,  Jones, &

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How Customer Service is provoded in business Essay Example for Free

How Customer Service is provoded in business Essay Costumer service is the ability of an organisation to recognise and consistently meet the costumers needs. Costumer service generally involves service teamwork and service partnerships so they can meet customer expectations and produce costumer satisfaction. Costumers contact an organisation when they need something, the main reasons are: * To complain * To request/ order a service/product * To obtain information * To ask for advice * To enquire about an order * To change an order or request * To report a problem to return and exchange goods * To ask for assistance or help The organisation I have chosen to study for this is the National Maritime Museum which consists of the Royal Observatory Greenwich, Queens House and National Maritime Museum. Together these constitute one museum working to illustrate for everyone the importance of the sea, ships, time and the stars and their relationship with people. A customer is anyone who has the right to ask or expect a service as part of a job role; this means there are two types of customers internal and external. Internal customers are all the colleagues who need assistance to fulfil their obligations to their own customers; these include the supervisors, staff, staff teams and managers. External customers are those who contact or visit the organisation because of what it provides or supplys as it is something they need. There are a wide range of external customers but only a few can apply to each business, some businesses have a wider range of external costumers compared to other businesses, such as a supermarket will have a wider range of external customers as it will sell a wide range of goods whereas a youth club or nursery will have a smaller rage of external customers as its only aimed at a certain age group. The National Maritime Museum has a wide range of customers and provides everyone access to its historical buildings and unique collectors; as a result the customers have a wide range of needs so they provide products and services to fit their needs. On any average day the museum staffs have to deal with * People wishing to research their family history in our archives * Ship model-makers wanting advice on details of a ship * Film companies wanting to use our buildings as a location for an advert or television drama * Domestic tourists wanting a fun day out * Foreign tourists wanting to experience British history * School and college groups wanting to investigate the Museum to help with their studies. The Museum has 7 main categories of customers which have their own special needs and interests and they are the following 1. Individuals Casual Visitors Special Interest Visitors Individual Researchers 2. Families Parents along with Young Children 3. Groups Mixed age groups Special Interest and Education 4. People from different cultures with different languages Foreign and Domestic Tourists People from Diverse Ethnic and Religious Communities 5. People with special needs Blind and Visually Impaired Deaf and Hearing Impaired Learning Difficulties Physical, Emotional or Mental Health Needs 6. Virtual users who access the Museum via our website People who access the museum via the website 7. Internal customers Members of Staff who Support the Work of Others The main three types of customers the National Maritime Museum focuses on are families, disabled visitors and groups. Families are an important target audience for the museum as it is a free family-friendly place to visit; it focuses of the key needs and expectations of family audiences which are: its free the price of tickets can be a barrier for many families, especially with the costs of travel and lunches its fun and educational with lots to see and touch, like the All Hands interactive childrens gallery theres lots to do such as special activity workshops, storytelling and treasure trails its easy to get to only 20 minutes from central London, with good transport links The Museum also has family-friendly events which bring the Museum galleries to life including practical activities for 2-to-6-year-olds (weekly); trails revealing the secrets of their vast collection of objects; action-packed art and science workshops, and actors performances for all ages. Their family-friendly facilities include areas for changing and feeding babies, clean and accessible toilets, cafe and picnic areas and online activities in the E-Library and on the website. The Museum aims to increase the number of families who visit the National Maritime Museum by expanding programs of events, activities and special exhibitions for families, especially during weekends and holidays. All this makes the Museum more appealing to families. Along with individuals the Museum has also built up experience in providing for different type of groups who each have a different set of needs. Foreign language students The Museum provides souvenir guides and essential visitor information on their website in different languages. This service targets both foreign tourists and domestic visitors with English as a second language. They also have non-Eurocentric displays and events which inform customers of the history of people and cultures from all over the world. Large Groups For large groups coach parking is easily attainable, there are special discounts given to access the charging exhibitions, pre booked tickets make it easier for large groups to book easily and guided tours and talks are especially available for larger groups. Special Interest Groups At the museum there are enquiry and research facilities accessible via the library, there are archives and online sources at hand and also special curator talks and tours for all the groups that have a special interest. Corporate and Private Hire Groups There is event planning and support available for Corporate and Private Hire groups including venue hire and catering for those who want to use the museum for private hires and corporate reasons. Educational Groups The museum provides curriculum recourses and educational talks along with support with visit planning and booking. They also have a lunchroom and cloakroom especially suited for school/ educational groups. Lastly the National Maritime Museum also focuses on developing access for all their visitors and users which includes those who are disabled. It continuously tries to exceed and improve the museums facilities to meet the basic requirements of those who are physically disabled, deaf and blind. They believe good, inclusive customer service is about understanding everybodys special needs. For visitors with disabilities, the Museum has a range of access facilities as part of its customer service. o Installing new lifts and ramps o The Road Train service o Providing detailed information for disabled visitors o Providing alternative ways to access the Museum o Maintaining a policy of welcoming assistance dog They have added lifts to improve physical access around the Museum site. Members of staff are always at hand to help. The new lifts and ramps that have been installed provide flat or wheelchair access to all levels and galleries. Visitors may also borrow manual wheelchairs from admission areas. Special bookings for those who are disabled are also available by calling the bookings unit who will make any special arrangements. There is also information available online such as the availability of disabled car-parking, mobility buses and the access facilities on all their sites. It is also important that the customer information also describes areas that are not accessible such as parts of the historic buildings of the Royal Observatory. This avoids frustration and disappointment on the day. Touch Sessions for Visually Impaired Visitors are also available. They have a number of alternative methods to accessing the Museum and its collections. For blind and visually-impaired visitors they provide: o Braille Guides o Raised drawing o Magnifying glasses o Large-print guides o Tactile maps o touch packs They also run a program of pre-booked touch talks and tours by Museum staff and guest speakers. The National Maritime Museum also has a sign-interpreted talk for deaf and hearing-impaired visitors. They have installed perimeter loops in the galleries, admission areas, information desks and key audio installations. They also run a program of pre-booked British Sign Language sign-interpreted talks and events. Customer service is important to the National Maritime Museum because without customers there would not be a business. Excellent customer service results in: * higher visitor numbers and greater customer diversity Visits to the sites are increasing each year provides a public service for groups of people who dont traditionally visit or use cultural or heritage organizations like museums Has an outreach community newsletter which has news and events for communities under-represented among the visitors * increased sales The Museum generates increased income through shops, cafes and charging for special exhibitions It also supplies hiring venues for corporate events and weddings and sales from the Picture Library. * increasing public image The Museum has to compete with other organizations for peoples leisure, by providing excellent customer service it increases public image they do this using their website and leaflets * survival in terms of competition Good customer service can give the Museum an edge over other tourist attractions or leisure facilities, as they compete for customers leisure time and money. * satisfied customers and greater job satisfaction for staff As well as asking for feedback from customers and monitoring visit numbers the Museum pays a market research company to conduct surveys, the customers are asked to rate their experiences and satisfaction levels, this helps knowing the customers needs and satisfying them. The staff also takes pride in being part of an organization which delivers high levels of customer service Job satisfaction is increased by positive feedback from the customers * repeat business and customer loyalty Museum donation box Analysis of feedback and visitor surveys indicates that 94% of visitors would recommend the Museum to their friends. Excellent customer service results in strong customer loyalty and increased visitor numbers especially repeat visits. The National Maritime Museum believes that to enjoy and learn from a museums collections, visitors must first feel welcome, secure and comfortable in their environment. Crucial factors include friendly staff to greet and help, clear signage, queuing systems, gallery plans and well-maintained washrooms and cloakrooms. Improvements to these areas can significantly increase word of mouth recommendations, repeat visits and time and money spent by visitors as competition for the publics time and attention is intense.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

War and the City Essay Example for Free

War and the City Essay Paintings and photographs are pieces of art. As such, it has always depicted life. It has become a representation of reality. More importantly, it represents the time wherein these artists are living. They created what they see, and through the artists’ eyes and perspective, we are able to witness what they’ve seen as if it was right in front of us. In this light, the three photographs have war as the unifying theme. Although differently expressed, each image portrays pain and helplessness, and with it a faint spark of hope for a better tomorrow. But the latter implication cannot be readily noticed at first glance of the picture. When we look at them, we only see dismay and fright. They are a reminder of a life others were not able to witness, a terror for others. They displayed this in either symbolic or upfront manner, but they never failed to show the emotions involved. The striking difference among these pictures, on the other hand, resides on how they were presented. The first image by Goya made use of warm colors and upfront action. Picassos painting used of a lot of symbols. Meanwhile, the 9/11 photograph captured a moment during the after shock of the attack. These images each have a different perspective, taking war from various angles. In the end, they all say war is never pleasant. Every artist has a responsibility for every piece of art they render. More importantly, the artist who constantly depict the realities of war should be careful about their pieces. Unfortunately, paintings and photographs are works of art, and are avenues for freedom of expression. It should not be constrained. But knowing that what they show in their works would either create or break their names as an artist can be very constraining. However, if they let themselves be taken by this constraint, and did not risk the consequences, them they would not have been able to become masters in their fields. In my perspective, I believe that the artists should really show the horror and brutality of war. We are at the age wherein being romantic and subtle are no longer the focus of art. Strong and provocative pieces are more the trade of art today. However, given that the other two pieces were created during a different period, it does not mean that being upfront about war only started in recent history. War is a fact of life, regardless of the time when they were created. It should not be covered with romanticized implications to depict war. There is no other way to present war as it is. We cannot define how it feels to be in the middle of one. We only have pictures to show us how is it like. It is the closest to reality as we can get, and it is a reality we have to face. There are a lot of things one can perceive from one piece of art depicting war. But I dont believe that these will promote violence for the audience. Usually, these pieces are present the effects of war, and the basic facts about it. It was not created to persuade others to resort to war, unless that was the underlying message and it was bluntly said. However, majority of these kinds of artworks only present facts, and are not usually political in nature. They are perspectives, concepts and ideas from the artists point of view. We dont always have to agree or disagree with them. A silent understanding would have been enough. Works Cited â€Å"Guernica: Testimony of War. † Public Broadcasting Service. 1 April 2008 http://www. pbs. org/treasuresoftheworld/guernica/gmain. html. â€Å"Third of May. † Museo Nacional Del Prado. 1 April 2008 museoprado/mcu. es/i34. html. â€Å"World Trade Center September 11, 2008. † SHI. 1 April 2008 http://dmetcalfe. homestead. com/AMERICA2. html.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Development Of Travel And Tourism Industry Tourism Essay

The Development Of Travel And Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Finally but not least, it discusses the significant impact of technology on the development of travel and tourism industry which is a big influence on the country. So overall all this assignment is informing you of how quality services and technology can develop the tourism industries and also makes work much easier and create a major impact on the country. It also assesses some good points on the community based tourism it tells how it can increase tourist in the country and helps to build up the economy and by creating a good marketing plan, having the right amount of capital, objectives and good support services it can be successful. The importance of delivering quality services in the hospitality industry. The importance of delivering quality services is basically to get a good impact on the industry to increase revenues. In agreement with (The importance of customer service in the hospitality industry, 1999-2012), Hotels, restaurants and other tourism-reliant business are included in the hospitality industry, each organization rely on effective customer service to earn industry accolades, positive media reviews, win repeat guests and increase revenue. So basically the good service you give off will make others come more to increase the revenue and to give the organization an excellent review. Quality services in some hospitality industry are poor and needs improvement but it is our major challenge. However in agreement with (William Lazer Layton, 1999), The hospitality managers if facing the major challenges in quality service delivery. It will be an essential condition for success in the emerging, keenly competitive, global hospitality markets, while the future importance of delivering quality hospitality service is easy to discern and to agree on, doing so presents some difficult and intriguing management issues. It is very important that all hospitality industry provide excellent quality service so it will build up the economy of the organization and country. 2 Differences between service delivery in the hospitality industry and service delivery in other businesses. Service delivery can be differentiated by the type of businesses youre running. Service delivery can be delivered both inside and outside of an organization but it depends on the type because most organization does not have outside service delivery. According to (Service delivery system, 2012), Hospitality and tourism services can be differentiated by the volume of customers processed and on the basis of variety offered. This can vary from a high-volume operation offering a very restricted range of products and services to a lower volume operation where every customer receives a unique or highly customized service. Another key variable in any service operation is the nature of the service contact. High contact has an extra level of social interaction associated with staff, while a low-contact service requires the staff to perform largely technical skills. Each requires a different approach, with a high level of contact requiring sophisticated social skills training, together with a g ood level of product knowledge, whereas a low level of contact requires simpler customer care and technical training. A low-contact service may also be suitable for substitution by information technology or self-service. Service delivery in businesses can be different in some cases. In some businesses the service can be delivered outside of the organization while some cannot. 3 TASK TWO Pros and cons of community based tourism and a discussion on the implications on the country as a whole. The Pros: The community based tourism has some advantages on both the communities and the country. Employment for community Some others are: according to (Williams Haye, 2006), Improved quality of life, Increased employment both directly and indirectly, increased opportunity for social and cultural interchange, increased income and improvement of infrastructure and enhancement of the community. Some other advantages are: according to (Oikos, 2009), It enables tourist to discover local habitats and wildlife, celebrate and respect traditional cultures, rituals and wisdom. The Cons: Some disadvantages of community based tourism are: Less transportations Less support in human resources and connection with marketing channels. Lack awareness of tourist Lack of skills Less capital Lack of recognition 4 Discussion: There are different implications of community based tourism on the country both advantages and disadvantages. Tourism in the country can help build up the economy and the community has a huge impact on the visitors which helps to increase the revenues. According to (Master Plan For Sustainable Tourism Development, 1998), The importance of this interaction is increasing as a result of the greater interesting contact with local people and their culture. Thus, physical assets are, by themselves, not sufficient to deliver a world class visitor experience. The host community must also be pleased to welcome tourists into their communities and take pride in the experience offered. This is why the WTO and other commentators insist that involving the community in the design (planning), development and management of the tourism experience is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of tourism. In Jamaica, the communities have played a role in the development of tourism. According to (Master Plan For Sustainable Tourism Development, 1998), To ensure stronger community involvement in the planning, development and management of tourism in Jamaica, the Master Plan aims to strengthen the community presence on the Resort Boards and co-ordination between the Resort Boards, parish councils and Parish Development Committees (PDCs) established by the Social Development Commission (SDC). Ventures sponsored by or involving the community would be eligible for receiving finance on preferential terms and technical support from a Community Support Unit at TPDCO. 5 The Resort Boards would be made responsible for all aspects of the interface between the visitor and local people, including involving local organizations in the management of anti-harassment and the resort patrols. Community based tourism can uplift the citizens and show them a brighter future. According to (Master Plan For Sustainable Tourism Development, 1998), Tourism has the potential to become a tool for economic and social uplifting of the people of Jamaica. If it can play such a role and that role is brought to the attention of the people of Jamaica, a far greater number would consider them as benefiting from the industry and so, hopefully, would be committed to the delivery of an excellent visitor experience. The Master Plan attempts to enable the tourism industry to play the role of providing the means to social and economic uplifting through a combination of improving the linkages between tourism and other industries, improving the opportunities for local people to sell goods and services to visitors and using tourism to make viable investments in civic facilities. It is planned also to make visible the impact that tourism has on social conditions by publicizing more widely the role i t plays in developing civic facilities and strengthening the JTBs educational programmed in schools. 6 In order for Jamaica to exceed in the increase of tourism they have to improve most of their products which they know most tourists looks forward to buy. In agreement with (Master Plan For Sustainable Tourism Development, 1998), Within the tourism industry, the share of underperforming sub-sectors such as small hotels, guest houses, villas and apartments, food and beverages, leisure and entertainment, sports and transport must be increased. Further afield, the linkages with arts and crafts, agriculture and small businesses generally need to be improved. Improving these linkages with other sectors would help also to increase the role played by tourism as a lead industrial sector in pulling through other sectors of the Jamaican economy and so its effect on economic development generally. Community based tourism would have a good impact on the country because first of all it plays a big role and if the CBT develop a good marketing objectives and strategies to get the information worldwide it will bring tourist to the country and not only the country will get a good review but the community as well and it will benefit from it and not only that but it would make tourist wants to explore and learn more about other places in the country. 7 Discussion on community based tourism is an alternative type of tourism that can be used to diversify the Jamaica Tourism Product and provide Jamaica with a competitive advantage. The main elements of tourism product are: Accommodation, Transportation, attraction and tours, dining and entertainment and support services. So basically the community based tourism can help improve all areas because it plays a minor role in the country. Community based tourism can join partnership with the Jamaica Tourism Product (JTP) and provide them with a variety of different communities with various beautiful attraction to be one of their main product of attraction, which will help them to increase their revenues and bring in more visitors which will be benefited to both. Each group will have to address and see what their weakness is, in both social and physical infrastructure. Jamaica Tourism Product can provide the communities with transportation to and from the accommodation and also give the visitors a tour of each community which can be included in the all inclusive package. Working together can both be a good thing for the country because it will increase the economy by number of visitors that comes into the country and it will also give the country a good name and good reviews. 8 Community Based Tourism and Jamaica Tourism Product can provide Jamaica with a competitive advantage. Basically each group would have a major development in all the areas that tourists love the most and by working well in their areas, finding ways to make each visit more differently and interesting and also by improving, making it better and better throughout each year there will be a increase in economy. Each group competing against each other would be a big impact on Jamaica and everyone will benefit from what they are doing. 9 TASK 3 Some impacts of Technology on the development of travel and tourism industry. Technology has a lot of impact on travel and tourism industry. It helps to make work a lot easier and much faster. According to (Youell, 2012), Developments in technology in jet aircraft and computer technology have contributed to the growth in domestic and international travel and tourism. Technological factors travel and tourism has always been an industry that has made extensive use of new technology equipment. Central reservation system (CRS), the use of computers in travel agencies and sophisticated databases for marketing purposes are now ordinary. Increase in competition within the industry will force organizations to use new technology to the full. New developments in transportation make extensive use of new technology, for example the Channel Tunnel, the advances in aircraft design and opening up new long-haul destinations. Technology has made it possible for people to accomplish multiple tasks within a time period and it has also brought advancement in many economic and business sectors which include travel and tourism industry. 10 Technology in the travel and tourism industry makes things more advanced, professional, less work and makes things run much faster. According to (The impact of technology on tourism, 2012), The tourism industry is one of the most relevant examples in the context of a changing global environment. The pace of this change has most likely been set by the rapid technological advancements. Some of these new technologies have been integrated in tourism operations. The most eloquent example in this sense is the emergence of the internet, which led to reduced costs and increased operational efficiency within the tourism agencies and airports. Aside the internet, other major technologies that supported the continuous growth of the tourism industry are those implemented by transportation, which became safer, quicker and more pleasing. Finally, the technological implementations within tourism operations have led to modifications in working habits and have also generated an increased demand for l abor force, implying as such that educational institutions place more emphasis on teaching tourism. So basically technology has a serious impact on travel and tourism it makes every aspect of completing daily task a lot easier and it also helps to develop the country. Without technology things would be slower and visitors wouldnt be able to book online if wanting to visit other country and that would be more work for hotel employees and it wouldnt make us citizens be aware of what is going on in the country. So having technology in both travel and tourism is major impact without it maybe we would have to get things done in a slower pace. 11 CONCLUSION I have concluded that good quality service in both the hospitality and other business industries have a positive impact on the country. A first impression determines how a guest will enjoy their stay and must always treat visitors like how we would want to be treated. Good quality service will keep customers and tourists coming back and it will also leave an excellent review of the business which will make others want to come to the country or firm. Service delivery in hospitality industry and other businesses are different in some extend for example in the hospitality industry some of their services can only be delivered within the organization while for some others their services can be delivered outside of the firm/organization. I also concluded that community based tourism plays a major role in a country and both can benefit from it. It also uplift the residents in the communities by earning income as land managers, entrepreneurs, service and produce providers, and employees. Technology is a major impact in the travel and tourism industry it makes work much easier and faster. It creates less confusion and helps to develop the industry in a more professional way. 12

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Alienation in The Catcher in the Rye and The Grapes of Wrath :: essays research papers

The theme of alienation is relevant in both â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye† and â€Å"The Grapes of Wrath. It is an idea presented very prominently in both books, expressed through characters, actions, and events. The Catcher in the Rye focuses on Holden Caulfield, a socially inadequate, sixteen year old boy who distances himself from others as a display of mental superiority driven by the idea he possesses that everyone is a phony, while he appears to be the only one who has remained genuine and authentic in today’s society. Like The Catcher in the Rye, a significant subject of The Grapes of Wrath is isolation from modern culture. The Joad family, upon their arrival in California, are estranged and avoided because they are labeled as â€Å"Oakies† on account of their origination from Oklahoma. They are regarded as dirty, unwanted people, on a quest to take advantage of prospering California. They are treated as though inferior mainly because of their socioeconomic status, which is considerably lower than the farmers of California. Though Holden Caulfield’s alienation from others is intentional, while the Joad family is inadvertently segregated, the motif of isolation is still pertinent in both novels. Holden’s dissociation from his few friends and anyone else he encounters is based on his belief that everyone is a phony and he is above them on some level because he is capable of observing this phoniness and avoiding it, and the Joad family is discriminated against because of their being from Oklahoma. The motives of the Joad family and Holden, however, are completely opposite. The Joad’s strive for acceptance in California from anyone who thinks poorly of them, when Holden ‘s intentions are to be cynical and to disregard the phonies with his eccentric personality. Another significant difference in both The Grapes of Wrath and The Catcher in the Rye with regard to isolation are the forms of isolation, which are presented. Holden is mentally isolated, avoiding social situations and even when in them, distancing himself from people with the conviction that whomever he may be associating with is not worth his time, while the Joad family is physically outcast. The police force in the area turn them away when they ask for assistance and burn their camps as a display of superiority and as a way of physically secluding them from California natives. Again this presents the point that Holden chooses to estrange himself as the Joad’s would much rather be received by people without hostility and the intention of driving them away.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

tough choices :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I was asked to think back about something memorable and to write an essay about a life’s lesson learned. In high school, soccer was very important to me. It was my favorite sport. My freshman year I decided to pick and focus on only one of the many sports I had played in the passed. I came to the conclusion that I should play soccer considering it was one I was strongest at. I also enjoyed soccer more than the other sports I had played because it was a tough sport, which was a challenge to me. During the years I played high school soccer I made a decision in which when I look back on, I think I could have handled differently. I never spoke up. I would just do what I was told to do. Whatever I was told to do I did it the best I could. I thought that cooperating, listening and giving it my best shot is what would get me ahead before someone else. But I was wrong and that has cost me dearly. As a freshman I played soccer for Paramus Catholic High School. I started as a forward on their junior varsity team. As the season went on the varsity coach noticed my aggressiveness and moved me up to play with our varsity team. To be picked out of all the girls on the team I can’t tell you of a better feeling of self-pride. Then as a sophomore I transferred to Hackensack High School. There, I again started as a forward for their junior varsity team. Later into the season I was brought up to practice with varsity. I practiced with varsity but only played in a couple of games. Imagine my disappointment, I joined the soccer team to play, not sit on the bench. I worked so hard in practice to prove myself but it got me nowhere, not even a chance. So I asked to be moved back down to junior varsity where I could play. At least on the junior varsity team I was recognized for my efforts. As a junior I tried again and made the varsity team at tryouts. I was excited because we had lost a lot of seniors and I expected to get more playing time. Upperclassmen always played over underclassmen. But I was wrong. Instead I sat the bench and freshmen played over me. tough choices :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I was asked to think back about something memorable and to write an essay about a life’s lesson learned. In high school, soccer was very important to me. It was my favorite sport. My freshman year I decided to pick and focus on only one of the many sports I had played in the passed. I came to the conclusion that I should play soccer considering it was one I was strongest at. I also enjoyed soccer more than the other sports I had played because it was a tough sport, which was a challenge to me. During the years I played high school soccer I made a decision in which when I look back on, I think I could have handled differently. I never spoke up. I would just do what I was told to do. Whatever I was told to do I did it the best I could. I thought that cooperating, listening and giving it my best shot is what would get me ahead before someone else. But I was wrong and that has cost me dearly. As a freshman I played soccer for Paramus Catholic High School. I started as a forward on their junior varsity team. As the season went on the varsity coach noticed my aggressiveness and moved me up to play with our varsity team. To be picked out of all the girls on the team I can’t tell you of a better feeling of self-pride. Then as a sophomore I transferred to Hackensack High School. There, I again started as a forward for their junior varsity team. Later into the season I was brought up to practice with varsity. I practiced with varsity but only played in a couple of games. Imagine my disappointment, I joined the soccer team to play, not sit on the bench. I worked so hard in practice to prove myself but it got me nowhere, not even a chance. So I asked to be moved back down to junior varsity where I could play. At least on the junior varsity team I was recognized for my efforts. As a junior I tried again and made the varsity team at tryouts. I was excited because we had lost a lot of seniors and I expected to get more playing time. Upperclassmen always played over underclassmen. But I was wrong. Instead I sat the bench and freshmen played over me.